kate542 - 2012-10-27 12:57:44

[9.70] OTServ (0.6.5) r.6155

OTServ 0.6.5
Version: 6252 Patch r.6155

Changes may be found at doc/CHANGELOG in selected package.

This is the server which every other is based on ie.(TFS,Evolutions,Naxed) basicly all of them ! and is also maintained by the OTServ leaders ie.SimOne ,Remere

List of lua functions :
You can see the functions and their parameters in these files :
functions.lua and luascript.cpp and npc functions in /npc/scripts/lib/

The release comes with globalevents feature and full 9.70 protocol support


https://www.virustotal.com/file/7c54dde … 351260434/

IP Changer Otland: http://www.speedyshare.com/naMnr/OtLand-IP-Changer.EXE

IP Changer Asprate: http://www.speedyshare.com/Y6yRG/Tibia- … r-9.70.EXE

www.muprohibitionservers.pun.pl www.michikiyo.pun.pl www.javaity.pun.pl www.mojegotowanie.pun.pl www.maxinf.pun.pl